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CM Macchine Rustic Texture Brushing Machines

CM Macchine Rustic Texture Brushing Machines
Rusticating machine model ROS 1200 brushed, structured surfaces in wood Brushed, rusticated beams
Please call us at 1-416-606-2366 to order.

CM Macchine builds one-sided and three-sided rusticating brushing machines to create rustic textures in beams, boards, panels and wooden floors. 

Special abrasive brushes reveal the structure of the wood, giving the surface a sandblasted appearance. 

Samples of brushed wood surfaces

Shown above: model ROS 1200 

  • Maximum piece height: 500mm
  • Maximum piece width: 1200mm
  • Maximum piece length: 450mm
  • Machine working speed: from 4 to 16 m/min
  • Machine size: 2900 x 2000 x 2200mm high.
  • Weight: 1800 kg.

Different brushes can be mounted, depending on the desired finish.

Many other one-sided and three-sided models are available. Call us to match your needs to the best model.

beams after rusticating treatment