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Essetre Techno PF

Essetre Techno PF
Essetre Techno PF Toolhead magazine Outfeed extension Front view of Techno PF Essetre Techno PF in operation Timbers processing Timbers
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CNC Timber Processing Center with automatic loading of timbers

Optionally with two working, liquid cooled, 5-axis heads.

Working around a centered fixed portal, this machine requires no more space than its depth and the length of the timber.

There is no other machine with higher productivity than the Techno PF.

Toolhead magazineInfeed-outfeed extension

Choose a single or double tool head, each with independent axis to a total of 20 different tools.

Work on 5 sides of the timber, without turning, or automatically turn timber to work on the opposite side.

The in- and out-feed sections can be extended by a slide-out section to fit virtually any length of timber.

The feed and processing direction can be either from right to left, or left to right, to suit your facility. When processing the last part of the current timber, the feed system pre-positions the next timber so that processing continues immediately without interruption.

Size capacity of work pieces as large as 16 x 32 inches and the longest length of your timber may be processed.

Progression of work is rapid, with minimal delay between processes, as the timber is fed forward and finished.

View into CNC machine from the front.Timber processing centre in operation

Cut-offs and dust will be removed with a conveyor for disposal.

The machine is enclosed to minimize noise to levels allowing normal conversation next to it.

The Techno PF is compatible with various software, i.e. Dietrich's, Cadwork, HSB-Cad, Sema Cad.

Processing tenonsBeams processed

corbelled rafter

Watch the Essetre Techno PF in action:

The next video shows Essetre Techno Progress, a combination of Essetre Techno Wall and Techno PF.