Please call us at 1-416-675-2366 to order.

Professional Automatic Planing Machines
Made in Germany

Feed speed up to 660 ft/min

Heavy-duty machines for high production and flexibilty.

  • We adapt ourselves to your requirements and deliver you YOUR machine - just as you need it.
  • The "REX" modular principle offers you the option of variably positioning a limitless number of output shafts. Your planing and moulding creativity will be unlimited!
  • You will be able to optimise production output of naturally curved timbers with the floating vertical shafts
  • Programmable position control units with interfaces for remote data transmission.
  • Output shafts with bearings on both sides, high-precision spindle bearings and a variety of options.

Produce profiled log or boards, or glulam. Width of up 2,600 mm (8.5 ft). Can be mounted on turntable, ideal for curved glulams.

Case Studies

1. Pictures of a 2600 mm wide Bigmaster. Click to enlarge.

Machines can be built to 2600 mm (8½ ft.) width!

Bigmaster industrial 4-sided planerIndustrial 4-sided planer
2600 wide Bigmaster. Right: Showing slide-out, removable cutter head

Bigmaster automatic planer 2600 mm wideAutomatic planer closeup
Left: 2600 wide Bigmaster outfeed side. Right: Close-up of hydro cutter heads, slide-out

2. Some photos of Rex Bigmaster 2050 (which is 2050 mm width). Click to enlarge.

Rex BigMaster automatic planerBigMaster on pivoting track being set up

Control panel for BigMasterBigMaster in manufacturing facility

Bigmaster can be designed to plane curved timbers (glulam), tapered even, by placing them on a turntable, feeding in one direction, while the machine slowly turns, to accommodate the radius of the curvature, planing all four sides to specification.

More BigMaster models

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